
Article 1


The name of the Society shall be the “ASAMI International & Bone-reconstruction (Association of the Study and Application of the Method of Ilizarov International and Bone-reconstruction).

 Article 2


The objective of the Society shall be the advancement of the Ilizarov method in all its aspects, particularly in the fields of clinical practice and scientific research.

 Article 3


The membership for each specialist in orthopaedic surgery with interest in the Ilizarov method is a part of the membership in each of the national societies which already is member nation of ASAMI International.

The national society will pay the due pr. member to ASAMI International. The due is decided by the general assembly.

 Article 4


Section I - General Powers. The affairs of the Society shall be managed by the Executive Committee.


Section II - Executive Members. The Executive Committee shall consist of 5 elected members and shall be composed of the national presidents.

 The members shall be the President, the X-President, the Secretary General, the Treasurer, and the upcoming president of ASAMI International congress.

a)   The Secretary Generaland the Treassure. From 2012 they are elected for a period of 4 years.

b)   The President, the X-President and the President of the upcoming ASAMI International congress.

    From 2012 this member will be elected for a period of 2 years.


 Section III – Election of Executive Members.

 The Nomination Committee shall prepare a list of nominees for each vacant board position every year. The Nomination Committee consists of 2 members, and are elected for a period of 2 years.

 Candidates for membership of the Nomination Committee will be proposed from the President of any of the ASAMI International members. 

 At least one month prior to the General Assembly, the Nomination Committee shall present its list of recommended nominees to the members of ASAMI International via the General Secretary.  

Election of Executive members and Nomination committee shall be by vote of those members present at the annual meeting of the society and those receiving the majority of the vote shall be elected. No proxy vote will be allowed by an absent member otherwise entitled to vote. Each voting member who is present at said business session shall be entitled to vote for each officer and councilor to be elected.


Section IV – Vacancies: a vacancy in any office because of death, resignation or other inability to act may be filled by the Executive Committee. The nominee will serve until the next General Meeting when a fresh election will take place.


Section V – Functions: the Executive Committee shall be responsible for the general administration and finances of the Society. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once a year.


Section VI – ASAMI international Congress: the Congress shall be held in a different country each year. It may be held in any City sufficiently large to be readily accessible by the usual means of transport. The Executive Committee shall appoint a member or group of members from the host country to be responsible for organizing the ASAMI International Congress. Two years prior to the meeting the host organizers shall present to the Executive Committee their plan and the financial arrangements for the meeting. A designated Councilor shall assist in organization of the meeting.

Scientific presentations for the Congress will be selected by the Reading Committee. Organization of the meeting, nomination of appropriate Chairmen, audio-visual and meeting requirements and all recreational activities shall be the responsibility of the host member supported by the designated Councilor.


Section VII – Expenses: Traveling expenses for those participating in Committees and sub-Committees may be reimbursed by ASAMI International.

Article 5


Section I: A General Assembly of all members of the Society shall be held during each ASAMI International congress. This assembly shall receive the  Report of the President, the Secretary General and the Treasurer. Venues for future meetings will be discussed and voted upon by the General Assembly. The meeting dates will be announced.


Section II: The Assembly must approve any modifications of the powers of the Executive Committee and approve the appointment of new Members.


Section III: Only members present shall constitute the Assembly. There shall be no proxy voting. Decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of the members present. In the event of an equally split vote the President shall hold the casting vote.


Any proposals to modify Statutes should have been circulated to all members at least 2 months before the General Assembly. The approval of two-thirds of the General Assembly is necessary to allow Statute modifications.

 Article 6


The Society shall hold a Meeting every second year. The Congress may be organized in co-operation with other International or National Societies. The conditions and financial arrangements for such combined meetings shall be negotiated with the appropriate Society.

Alliances may be contracted with other Societies. A formal protocol of agreement should be drawn up detailing the conditions of the alliance. This protocol of agreement shall be considered by the General Assembly.

 Article 7


Every member of the Society will pay a due representing the numbers of member of the national society. The fiscal year for the Society will begin on 1st January. Dues for all classes of member shall fall due on this date. Changes in dues shall be recommended by the Treasurer, considered by the Executive Committee and confirmed by simple majority at the General Assembly. Any member who has not paid his dues for two consecutive years shall be considered to have resigned and will not receive further information from the Society. All dues shall be paid in Euros.

 Article 8


The funds of the Society shall derive from annual dues and from any surplus from the ASAMI International congress together with such legacies or gifts as may be offered from individuals or representative organizations. The Society is considered a non-profit making organization.

 Article 9


The official language for all activities of the Society shall be English.