Minutes of the Board Meeting
of the 6th ASAMI International Meeting
Mena House Hotel , Cairo, Egypt
June 18th 2010

Prof. Shevtsov opened the meeting and gave a welcome speech to all delegates:
He gave a summary about what happened during the last 2 years and why the 6th Meeting was transferred to Egypt: In Kyoto 2006, Egypt was the second after Brazil, according to the board voting, to be the host country of the 6th meeting. In Saint Petersburg 2008, the board decided if Brazil would not be able to organize the 6th meeting, the host would be the second in voting: Egypt. Bongiovani (Brazil) did not answer emails and phone calls from the president to determine the data and place of the meeting. After 9 months an email was received from Bongiovani stating that he will not organize the meeting. As a consequence Prof. Shevtsov as the president of ASAMI International, applied the board decisions in 2008 and in 2006 Kyoto by asking Prof. Gamal Hosny from Egypt to organize the 6th ASAMI International meeting.

Then, Prof. Gamal Hosny presented the Agenda of the meeting:
1- Election of the President and General Secretary:
For presidency Prof. Gamal Hosny,  Egypt: voting 21 delegates agreed and one delegate USA decided not to vote.
For general secretary Prof. Leif Pål Kristiansen,
Norway: voting 21 delegates agreed and one delegate USA decided not to vote.

2- New countries
6 new countries applied for the ASAMI membership:
(Australia - Saudi Arabia – Bangladesh – Sudan – Jordan – Tunisia)
The Board discussed the application of each country and accepted the membership of: Australia, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Sudan, Jordan Tunisia application had been postponed to the next meeting because they did not participated in the meeting to present their application.
ASAMI Scandinavica was accepted as a member based on ASAMI Norway with inclusions of Sweden and Denemark.

3- The next meeting
Dr. Ippokratis gave a speech about the current situation of the association and the ability of Greece to organize the next meeting in 2012.
The board members agreed to support his efforts to organize the 7th ASAMI meeting in Greece 2012.
Because of the current financial situation, globally and in Greece in particularly, the board must be informed 12 months prior to the meeting about the financial situation, the venue and organizing committee. A web site should be presented at the same time.

4- The future meeting in 2014
Two applications received from India and Serbia. After discussion, Serbia delegate showed his support to the Indian proposal. The board decided that the 8th ASAMI meeting will be held in India in 2014.
The president of the organizing committee will present the meeting on the general assembly of ASAMI International in Greece 2012.

5- On line Journal
The board discussed the proposal of developing online journal and decided to postpone this issue to the next meeting but the board decided to issue a newsletter and Prof. Chaudry from India had been assigned for this mission.

6- The web site
The data of the 7th ASAMI meeting will be published in the web site and the delegates are encouraged to put their data on the web site and the correct information of each National ASAMI .

7- The statutes
• The board decided to keep the name ASAMI International as it is.
• The board decided to select a committee of five members:

1- Kristiansen – Scandinavian,
2- Baumgart – Germany,
3- Tsushya – Japan,
4- Tetsworth – Australia
5- Weber – Germany,

to work out the statues and send it to the ASAMI National presidents to revise it and to be validated by the executive committee and published on the web-site.